Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Well once again, I seem to have more exciting news and to be honest the summer is turning out to be more exciting then expected. WHY you may ask, well I have decided once again to "manage my expectations" Just like I did with Christmas (which is only 145 days away! I already started watching my first Christmas movie of the year yesterday) I have also done with my summer vacation.

So, yesterday began my birthday month and exactly 16 days from now I will be 15 years old, I am actually SOOOO EXCITED because this year I get to have a partayyy!!!!

Anyways, that is the best part! You see not only have I COMPLETELY finished my summer school course but yesterday I was at Pip's house and her cousin always gives her clothes which also benefits me too...anyways there was this Queen's sweater, a pullover hoodie, dark navy blue, yellow writing. It read "Queen's University." I tell you, right then and there it was love. So, Pip and her Mom both tried it on while I secretly prayed that it wouldn't fit them and guess what folks?! IT DIDN'T! Therefore, me being the one in the room who SO DESPERATELY wants to go to Queen's I offered to "take it out of their hands" and by that I mean, "try to hide my excitement as I realize that it fits me perfectly and that it was meant to be".

Many of you may find this ridiculous but it was very exciting for me. This sweater is going to not only keep my cozy and warm . . . but MOTIVATED!

I would love to attach a photo of the amazingness that is my sweater but my computer does not seem to agree.

Adios fellow bloggers!

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