Wednesday, August 10, 2011

New Look :)

So, I was feeling the urge to change things up a bit. Not a huge amount but enough. Mainly this is a result of my boredum. You see, Pip and Mrs. Bieber slept over last night because today is my official birthday party (which I am very excited for) and they are STILL asleep. IN MY BED! I slept on the floor out of my own kindness but I ended up waking up at 8 in the morning. So, I changed my template design and I even cleaned some dishes.

I had always wondered how people had such cool blog backgrounds and mine was so lame but then my Auntmine let me know that there were actually thousands of backgrounds to choose from, and much to my advantage there were SEVERAL Paris ones. So, I chose one, the most absolutely amazing template design EVER. period.

I thought I would inform you all of the change because this will remain and forever be the same "I Love Melvin" blog with the same funny stories and awesome pictures and tips and lessons, but it will look different. Almost like I gave my blog a face lift.

Have an awesome day bloggers and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know what you think of the new design!

P.S. I strongly encourage you all to watch the movie "Father of the Bride" and Father of the Bride Part 2" because I watched both these movies this week and they are HILARIOUS!

Watch it! You know you want to!


Lisa Michelle said...

Love it! For serious. Also... yes! - silly people who haven't seen either of the 'Father of the Bride' movies should indeed right that wrong. Plus, thanks for re-adding the poll... I like to push the cool button (137 days!)! Yay! Birthday times! You're down to a one digit count! Love ya,
(the no 'a' for some reason makes me think of a mime... that may be weird... sorry [Gilly impression, yours not mine, inserted here])

Lisa Michelle said...

Another Gilly sorry for you because I'm extra wordy today! K, I was just thinking - in 10 months you'll be there!!! Paris! Then... THEN YOU CAN TAKE YOUR OWN PHOTO AND MAKE IT YOUR BACKGROUND! Saweet! You'll be the coolest blog ;) Bye! (for serious this time... well, until the next post that is...)

Unknown said...

There is a second Father of the Bride?! No way! :D
The first one made me utterly sad though... Perhaps this one shall cheer me up! ;)
And as for the new design! Simply marvelous! And quite inspirational!