Saturday, May 28, 2011

The heart, One touchy subject...

"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." -Proverbs 4:23


This is my favorite verse of all time and it is SO important. It may seem straight forward and in many aspects it is, but behind it is so much more then we can ever imagine.

I was reading a book once and it was referring to a girl who was in a relationship at a young age. She told her boyfriend everything, her hopes, her dreams, her secrets, her deepest feelings, and she said something that really impacted me. She said that when her and her boyfriend broke up she lost a part of her that she felt she could never get back. This impacted me because so many girls today are in this situation.

She told him everything and because of this, there was now a young man running around who knew everything about her! Things that now even her PARENTS knew. To be honest we need to protect ourselves from this temptation, we need to guard our hearts. This is such a dangerous trap because when you can so easily give into that temptation then you will most definitely have more serious troubles in the future.

I must admit, it is so easy to fall into the temptation of spilling secrets to the seemly cute guy who you are 100% sure is checking you out, but as it says in Proverbs 4:23, we MUST guard our hearts!

I can assure you, if you fall into that trap and just give in as though you have no care in the world about yourself then you will regret the decision you made to give in, it is not worth it. One day when you meet the one you are going to be with then how would you tell him that you have already opened yourself up to so many other young men that you used to know.

Your heart truly decides the course of your life and who you let in and who you keep out are all like pieces of the puzzle that will be very important in your life.

Anyways, my youth leader told us girls that guys like a must allow them to chase you. Don't just give in at the first glance, you must protect your heart and guard it. If a guy really wants to pursue you then you will know, and that doesn't mean that as soon as you feel like he is the one that you can just give him your everything, you must let him know that he can't simply "have" you, he has to work for you BECAUSE YOU ARE SO WORTH IT. Don't get me wrong, don't torture the guy! but don't slowly let him become an idol in your life who knows more about you then you yourself do.

God should always be your main focus, through every aspect of life. You must trust him and not give in when life throws temptation. Ask for wisdom and he will give it to you.

"Tune your ears to wisdom and concentrate on understanding" -Proverbs 2:2

1 comment:

Lisa Michelle said...

Proverbs 4:23 one of my three favourite verses! Definitely one that grows with you in faith. Love this muchly! Blog on Nieceamine, blog on!